Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas!
You can track Father Christmas on his journey around the world on Google Maps & Earth - just click here!

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Christmas Decorations Finding Out

Here is some of the wonderful decorations we've had made for our tree - great Finding Out homework everyone! We'll update the video when all the decorations are on the tree!

Cayla's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Lillie's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Michael's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Samantha's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Beth's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Holly's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Gabby's 100wc - week 12:

Click for a bigger version!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

All hail our Queen of Sentences!

All Hail our new Queen of Sentences!
Well done for this stunning sentence:
The bent, tall, hollow tree made a minor arch across the bitter, yet refreshing water in the narrow lake.
Long live the Queen!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Our new poll!

So in our last poll, the Spartans won by 20 votes to 13 against the Athenians! Well done Sparta!
Make sure you vote in our new poll this week!