Sunday 13 January 2013

This week's literacy!

This week we'll be doing some work to do with this video - the Year Six children will recognise it - I wonder how much you remember!?!

The Piano by Aidan Gibbons from Ash Class on Vimeo.


  1. I really enjoyed the video. What made you choose this piece of music to base your literacy on? Beth (Oak)

  2. Are you going to be doing some animation this term?

  3. Are you going to animate your work? Lucy (Oak)

  4. Have you done any work on Flashbacks yet?

  5. Ella - Ash Class14 January 2013 at 12:50

    This is a sad story and the music tells a story a sad story that I would not like to witness myself and because I play the piano I will get my teacher to teach me it and I will play it to the class.

  6. I love this movie!!!! I sowed it to my brother yesterday he nearly cried . :-3

  7. Looks interesting. We found it quite hard to understand, but we look forward to reading your work on it.

  8. the maovie is a bit sad but i liked it and shod do more moves about memmerys.

  9. love the movie its great!

  10. Dear Ash Class,
    We did this music video in year 5, I really enjoyed it. The music makes me meloncoly whenm I listen to it. My favourite part is when the women holds his hand and then sneaks away.
    From your quadblogging buddy Caitlin -

  11. Wow Ash class that video is good. We looked at that video in year 5 and wrote a story about it. It is sad when his friend gets shot right infront of his eyes. I hope you enjoy the rest of your topic on this video.
    From your quadblogging buddy NathanM

  12. Dear Ash class,
    We have done this video in year 5, it is really somba and melencholy. I felt said when the man's friend dies in his arms.I think this video really makes you think.
    From Yahya at

  13. Dear Ash class blogging buddies,
    when I was in year 5 I watched this video. My favourite word to discribe this was 'melonecoly' in year 5 we did lots of work on this video. It brought a tear to my heart, I hope you enjoy working on this.
    From Annalese you quad blogging buddie

  14. Hello Ash class,
    I remember doing this in year 5 and, we wrote a story but when his friend died it is sad.
    From your blogging friend Zain at

  15. We did this in year five, it was one of my favarite topics in literacy. I hope you will love it as much as I did, all you need to do is enjoy it and you will get your best work out of it. I really used my imagination and thought of the video in lots of different ways. Why do you enjoy the piano? And do you enjoy the piano or not?


  16. Hello Ash class
    We did this video in year 5, I hope you enjoyed it. Harrison at

  17. I love this movie it is so sweet my favourite flashback or memory is the one in the war when his best friend died so so sad :( ;(.


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