Saturday 9 February 2013

D&T - Making Alarms for our Greek Pots!

Our Greek Pottery alarm work seems to be huge in New York!


  1. That was realy awesome!

    Did you go to New York and put pictures of us and put them around the whole of the city or is this just the art of tecnology?

    Oscar :)

    1. A good question, Oscar! I wish I had been able to go to New York, but sadly I had to rely on the art of technology!
      Mr K :-)

  2. This was so fun!But my alarm box got rewed because it was dropped in water.My sisters thought it was real. But everyone else's looks great!

    1. We'll get you to make a new one Ella! :-) I'm sure it'll be just as great as your first attempt!
      Mr K :-)

  3. Wow! I loved the New York video! It looks as though the children had a fab time making their alarm boxes. Hope they work for you all!
    Ollie's mum :)


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