Thursday 7 March 2013

Some more day four pics...


  1. Dear Ash Class,
    It looks like you had a great time on play walls and a bomfire.

    From Daniel@highlawnprimary

  2. Wow it looks like you are having such a great time! What was the best thing you did whilst you was there? Was you telling ghost storys around the camp fire? If you was too go again what would you cvhange about it? I hope you can blog about this soo every one can find out more, because you can not really see whats going on in the picture.
    From Annalese (High-Lawn)

  3. Wow! this looks AMAZING. I bet you have had lots of fun. When someone was on the ropes that looks really scary, I couldent to that! However that camp fire looks really warm and cosy, were you telling stories?

    From your friend Kenzie 6D

  4. Dear Ash Class,
    I enjoyed looking at the different pictures up on this blog post. I was wondering whether you go to Mannor as a leavers trip because in my school, at the end of the year, the year 6's go to a place called P.G.L. I think we do the same activities that you do at Mannor.
    From Aamina N at

  5. Dear Quad buddies,
    I really enjoyed looking at these pictures. It looks like you had a great time! Did you? I wish I could have gone with you. What did you do? I would love if you could reply to my comment and give me a description. I hope to hear from you soon!
    From Julia

  6. Dear Ash class,
    I enjoyed looking at those wonderful pictures. Did you go to Mannor for a leavers trip or was it just a school trip? It looks like you had an amazing time!
    Why not visit our class blog at:

  7. Dear Mr Kenyon, It sounds like you have had some fun climbing on the ropes. In year 6 we are going on an exciting PGL. I don't know where we are going yet. I hope we go some where fun. Did you enjoy yourself? What kind of things did you do?
    From Nathan H at


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