Thursday 9 May 2013

Beth's 100wc - week 29:

..."BANG" we've crashed - the boat slammed against the rocks: we were cornered between them. "Aaagh!" I screamed as all the blood seeped out of my arm! I slowly reached for the table planted beside me, pulled myself up and wrapped a long piece of cloth around the wound.

Suddenly, I see a little girl screaming, crying out for her father. The screams were unbearable! Then suddenly the pain in my arm didn't matter any more: not to me anyway. I needed to save her, but how? What would I do? How do I save this poor, little girl?

By Beth.


  1. Hi Beth, Was the little girl saved? I hope so. This was a lovely storyand very well written, keep up the good work. Well done.

  2. Hi Beth, amazing use of words. I love how you have left it on a cliffhanger, whats going to happen next...

  3. Hi Beth loads of connectives and wow words i wonder what will happen next. I love it


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