Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Jonathan's 100wc - week 33:

The birds swooped down and took everything, including my mum. Ripping the soggy guts out of her: she's now vacant.

I started my adventurous adventure wandering through the woods dodging everything in my path. It happened again, the bird came again but this time for me. I hid in a bush, poison ivy. "Argh!" I screamed frantically, "P, P, P, P, Poison I, I, I, Ivy..."

I itched my way to shelter, to safety, my saviour. The door went knock, knock. I did that, but with the pain of punching glass. No-one answered, I was stuck here forever...
By Jonathan.
Please click for a bigger version of the checklist!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jonathan,
    your 100 Word Challenge is quite gruesome! I like your class idea, of using 100WC Check List sheets! It helps make you improve your writing! WELL DONE!


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