Thursday 20 June 2013

Cayla's 100wc - week 35:

Where am I , I'm lost with no where to go.I see the lights in the sky witch beam like the beaming sun, do i go in or do I stay.The light  blinded me. Suddenly I heard a crash it came from the woods I ran towards it , it was another light it was so bright I fell to the  ground . I wake to find I'm in the light it was so peaceful , then I feel something pulling me back. where I live is so boring I can't go, I won't go.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cayla,
    Your 100 word challenge is amazing and I loved reading it. I like how you have used a question at the beginning to hook the reader in. Also, I like how you have used a great phrase ' lights which beam '. Next time, you have put a different which. This is the right which ' which '.
    From your friends at


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