Wednesday 5 June 2013

Ollie's 100wc - week 33:

Imagine a battle that seems to last forever, a battle that seems not worth fighting, a battle against giant birds: well that's the battle I'm fighting.

A smaller bird nose-dived at me, but I had my spear ready and launched it up at the pesky little thing and hit it on the back. Suddenly, a spine-chilling screech pierced the air. Out of the blue came a repulsive head followed by a repulsive body. It soared majestically through the sky, screeching every now and then. Suddenly the bird swooped down at me...
By Ollie.
Please click for a bigger version of the checklist!

1 comment:

  1. Ollie - I agree with the five star rating Beth gave you: this is a brilliant 100wc. You've used our special sentences so, so well!
    Brilliant writing, Ollie, and a fab review. Beth!
    Mr K :-)


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