Sunday 7 October 2012

Adras the Greek visits Ash Class!

Adras the Greek:
Helped us on our magical quest to find at least six Greek words that have survived through the ancient times up to the present day but we found  about twenty-one words in total: democracy, alphabet, disc-discus, mathematics, philosophy and loads of other words too. We also played some games like… making human chariots in our tables, training to be Spartan warriors and playing guessing games with Adras! We did it all in the ancient Greek times with Jenny. And obviously learned all sorts of things about the Ancient Greeks!
By Beth.


  1. It looks like you had a great day on Friday. We would like to learn about the Greeks as well!

  2. It looks like you had a great day on Friday. We would like to learn about the Greeks as well!

  3. Looks like you enjoyed Adras coming in! What was the best thing you learned?? :-)


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