Thursday 18 October 2012

Gabby's 100wc - week 6:

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  1. Hi Gabby - gosh, I wonder how long it took to repair the school! This is a great 100wc - you've used lots of descriptive language and a good simile.
    Perhaps next time you could be even more ambitious and daring with the language and sentence types that you use!
    Mr K :-)

  2. I really like the way you edit it and how your mom thought you were mad and the monster. You really need to make a second it wold be a sequel.

  3. Gabby,
    This 100WC has a good beginning, middle, and ending. Great descriptive language and kudos for the simile. Nice work. (Ocean City, NJ, USA)

  4. Kate Ramsay (Team 100WC)29 October 2012 at 05:38

    Hey Gabby :)
    You have used some lovely descriptive language in your story and I would love to see how you would describe the monster in more detail because it seems really scary already!

    Kate (Team 100WC)

  5. I thik your story was really cool and exiting but i think your writing was to small.

  6. well done Gabby i realy like i ran like a cheater.


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