Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Bye bye to the Ash Class of 2012/13!
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Some of our Y6 leavers' memories!
Beth's Borth Memories!
Pav's Borth memories!
Lillie's Borth Memories!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Our final day in Borth!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Borth Day 2 - Animalarium Trip, by Beth & Ella
Monday, 1 July 2013
Day 1 at Borth!
After we got back to the hostel, we settled into our rooms - some people even managed to make their beds themselves!!! After dinner (curry or baked potato) we headed back out onto the beach for sports and sandcastle-making, though we did have to avoid some of the hundreds of jellyfish lying around. This evening has been beautifully-sunny - fingers crossed the weather will hold up for us tomorrow!
We hope you like some of the photos from this evening on the beach!
Mr K :-)
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Monday, 24 June 2013
Jonathan's video biography of Stephen Hawking!
Here's Jonathan's video biography of Stephen Hawking. He used Morfo Booth and iMovie to create it - great stuff JC!
Sunday, 23 June 2013
This week's spellings!
As we're getting towards the end of the year, it's a good idea to target those words that get spelt incorrectly quite often! :-)
Remember that you can revise them using the Spelling City website!
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Ceri's 100wc - week 35:
Cayla's 100wc - week 35:
Jade's 100wc - week 35:
Alex's 100wc - week 35:
The light was so bright that if you lined it up with the sun,(well obviously the sun would win because the light would disintegrate in the atmosphere.)
The light was so bright that if you shone it up in the night sky it would travel light years and shoot down UFOs for the discovery channel...
The light is, no longer, bright...
Its just like any normal bulb, just lighting up homes.
But it will always be special... To me?
Dylan's 100wc - week 35:
Tons of people die every day to the now known as the ‘Ghost Train’. After you get hit the legend is you watch your death...
You never see the Ghost Train coming... It always comes... But no one know when...
This light is now known as ‘Death’, Death can not be destroyed, if Death was destroyed we would all die...
Sammy's 100wc, week 35:
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
We've got more mail!
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Just click on the letter for a bigger version! |
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Just click on the letter for a bigger version! |
Friday, 7 June 2013
Our Darwin Day video!
This afternoon for Darwin Day we had a great conversation about worries and how to deal with them. We particularly talked about the Year Sixes worries about moving onto high school and the Year Fives feelings about heading into Year Six. Here's a video we made to give some advice to people in a similar situation!
Theme Park Maths Investigation!
In Ash class we are making theme parks to see how much it costs to run it each day for three seasons. We are also trying to make a profit. We have five hundred thousand pounds that we borrowed. Most people have spent a bit of their money and the rest spent loads of their money. Quite a few people haven't finished yet. When we are finished we have to swap our sheets with another pupil in the class. Then they will see how much we have to charge all the customers to get in. We received a sheet which has all the different attractions on it ( e.g. shops, roller coasters and so on). We have three different categories which have different rides in and different costs.
We'll let you know who has the most profit in a week's time or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Gaby :-)
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Gaby's 100wc - week 33:
I do the most exercise because I keep getting chased bye birds. It's really annoying! Once they nearly wripped me to shreads, I hate little baby chicks. I woke up this morning thinking that they will not get me. So I walked outside to have some fresh air. I brought a book out with me; no wonder they call me a book-worm! Guess what happened, you guessed it, the birds gobbled me up bit by bit.
By Gaby.
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Please click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Ben's 100wc - week 33:
My eyes fade like im about to die What shall I do? Where should I go? Slowly I get up onto my feet I can't walk I'm like a baby just being taught to walk. I see nothing, nothing at all only huge trees. The trees were joined together like a crowd of vivid green umbrellas. The magnificent trees flung their branches up to the sun to frame the deep blue sky. Oh no the birds swooped down again now looking for more food.
By Ben.
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Please click the picture for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Jonathan's 100wc - week 33:
I started my adventurous adventure wandering through the woods dodging everything in my path. It happened again, the bird came again but this time for me. I hid in a bush, poison ivy. "Argh!" I screamed frantically, "P, P, P, P, Poison I, I, I, Ivy..."
I itched my way to shelter, to safety, my saviour. The door went knock, knock. I did that, but with the pain of punching glass. No-one answered, I was stuck here forever...
By Jonathan.
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Please click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Ollie's 100wc - week 33:
A smaller bird nose-dived at me, but I had my spear ready and launched it up at the pesky little thing and hit it on the back. Suddenly, a spine-chilling screech pierced the air. Out of the blue came a repulsive head followed by a repulsive body. It soared majestically through the sky, screeching every now and then. Suddenly the bird swooped down at me...
By Ollie.
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Please click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Holly's 100wc - week 33:
If you see birds coming towards you, run: run while you still can. Do you want to be their next victim?
I am doing this for you so you don't end up like me: dead. Don't give up your precious life to a flock of birds.
Run, run while you still can. You don't have to be the vicious bird's next victim!
By Holly.
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Please click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Jade's 100wc - week 33:
By Jade.
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Please click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Sam B's 100wc - week 33:
By Sam B.
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Click for a larger version of the checklist! |
Cayla's 100wc - week 33:
Furiously I hectically banged against each side of the stupid birds. I bound to get out will die trying to get free from this hell hole!
By Cayla.
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Click for a bigger version of the checklist! |
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Monday, 3 June 2013
100wc - week 33:
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Ella & Jade's fantastic French!
Le weekend dernier , je suis all’ee au pac d’ attractions avec ma famille, c’etait super! Nous sommes all’es sur le grand huit et sur le train fantome. II y avait des squelettes,des araign’ees et un loup! C’etait effrayant!
By Jade.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Awesome Ash Class Graffiti Tags!
Sunday, 12 May 2013
It's time to show off, Year Six!
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Beth's 100wc - week 29:
Suddenly, I see a little girl screaming, crying out for her father. The screams were unbearable! Then suddenly the pain in my arm didn't matter any more: not to me anyway. I needed to save her, but how? What would I do? How do I save this poor, little girl?
By Beth.
Jack W's 100wc - week 29:
I try to move to one side but they keep shooting at me. The only thing I can do now is pray. I could suddenly hear a noise. It's the British army: theyve come to save me. Bang: the tank blew the enemy to smithereens.
I feel strong arms pull me onto a helicopter: I'm saved...
By Jack W.
Oscar's 100wc - week 29:
The board had loathsome blades on the side; with a devilish creature on the front; unlike any other board. So, I was riding in the skatepark with my friends until I fell off. The board came flying back and thoes hellish blades scraped me in the arm.
Suddenly the pain in my arm oozed blood from my body and the ground started to crack and tear itself apart: Hell had awoken...
Then a vampire came over and bit me in the neck. My heart turned black... I was suddenly transported into a underwater Hell with evil paranas surrounding me. Now I'm trapped in this place forever...
By Oscar.
Becky's 100wc - week 29:
I'm rushing to the hospital I'm saying to the doctor "am I going to be alright?" I gasped.
"Well we don't know yet - we're going to the x-ray room." I fall asleep as they are x-raying me...
By Becky.
Hannah's 100wc - week 29:
Maybe I should tell you what happened from the start. I was on a walk in the forest with my friend. Suddenly a beast jumped out and it got my friend. He was courageous: he risked his life for my life and I will never forget that.
By Hannah
Ella's 100wc - week 29:
His wings flap as a giant gust of breath-taking wind sweeps me to the other end of the misty forest. My life is an endless pain of horror and gilt. This is my life in the white frosted forest.
I think I'm about to die as I see the bird with its claws as sharp as a knife, inline with my throat...
By Ella.
Lillie's 100wc - week 29:
Sitting up straight on my horse with my sword in my hand, I'm feeling so weak. On the outside I look calm (but on the inside I'm shaking like a leaf).
"Attack!" The commander roars.
Somehow I'm knocked off my horse, and lots of blood is comeing out of my arm. Suddenly the pain in my arm is unbearable...
"He's dying" is the last voice I can hear.
By Lillie.
Friday, 3 May 2013
Ella's 100wc - week 28:
The mystery was unfolded I knew that something would happen...
Me and my friends were walking along the deep, foggy river as we walked a strange feeling went up my spine. Something wet, something slimy what is it where did it come from what is it doing??? “ahhh”I screamed...
“Mum the noise was deafening!!! I’m not lying!!!” I screamed at her “on no mum it’s here again” I shreacked “nonsense” my mother answered “umm mum look!!!” I screamed at her “ahhh” she yelled...
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Great SATs revision links!
Owen's 100wc - week 28:
I run as far away as I can, the earth is cracking underneth my feet: hell has been awoken. The towns and cities are overrun with devilish creatures, demons, zombies and goblins. Around every alleyway there is something waiting to seal your doom. Watch your feet: beware of the hands that pop out of the soil, they grab you, pull you down and bury you alive.
Many people won't survive, but if you do, beware: they're after you. And they will not stop until they have your soul.
By Owen.
Gaby's 100wc - week 28:
My family are already gone. I had more life to discover, but my baby sister had decades and now she's gone. I'm all alone theres nobody else. I have nobody; no food; no water; no warmth; no shelter. Could life get any worse? I wish that bomb hit another house, other than ours. I wish it took me instead of my family! I see something in the distance. It's coming closer, SOMEONE HELP ME!
By Gaby.
Pav's 100wc - week 28:
A young warrior released his arrow, the only arrow, into the air. It stood out from the other arrows, it was like a light guiding you through the darkness. The saviour.
By Pav.
Ollie's 100wc - week 28:
Big mistake...
By Ollie.
Sammy A's 100wc - week 28:
Alex's 100wc - week 28:
By Alex.
Holly's 100wc - week 28:
Running, I am sprinting away: away from the terrible, agitated beast. Down the narrow alleyways, down the roads as destroyed as a wasteland. I have been running for eight long years from this monster: it always seems to find me sooner or later.
There is nothing left of my town now: houses destroyed, everyone dead. A deafening, screeching noise is coming from where the mayor's house was: is he still alive?
The noise is deafening, but slowly fading: what could it be?
By Holly.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Sunday, 21 April 2013
Spellings - Monday 22nd April...
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Lillie's 100wc - week 25!
Wow… it started on the computer entering a competition where you can win a trip to Cadbury’s chocolate factory; a week later I found out I won! Sorry my name is Katie: with blue, sparkling eyes, long wavy blonde hair but otherwise like any other person. I’m here now anyway, and looking at all this chocolate I just feel… so lucky and hungry but amazed most of all.
OMG! The man has just shown us around while we were eating chocolate and for our last hour we’re swimming in chocolate. Oh only if I could do it all over again!
By Lillie :-)
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Finishing off our undersea printing!
And a mobile & tablet friendly version...
Thursday, 21 March 2013
A great art morning!
And below is a mobile & tablet-friendly version!
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Create IT award winners!!!
And you can view their award-winning video by clicking here!
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Beth's Island Flashback!
Lewis' Island Adventure!
Well done, Lewis!
Monday, 18 March 2013
Stories based on 'The Black Hole'...
We then recorded our stories, so that you can listen to them - enjoy!
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Red Nose Day 2013!
Spellings - Monday 18th March...
Monday, 11 March 2013
Ash Class Y6 hit the heights at Manor!
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Thursday, 7 March 2013
Day four at Manor!
Well, quite a soggy and muddy day here today at Manor! Activities have included the underground maze, rock climbing, the terrifying confidence course, the blind trail and survival skills. The children have taken in the day's challenges with a super attitude, despite all the rain. One thing is for certain: theatres going to be an awful lot of washing to be done tomorrow evening!
Mr K :-)
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Abseiling with Ash Class!
On Tuesday 5th March, the Greenfields year sixes went to the Manor abseiling wall. Most people were nervous, scared and excited all at the same time. Cayla, Ceri and I (Jade) went up first with our gear fitted on safely, ready to go down the wall...
Here are some of the experiences:
Hi I am Holly: I an going to tell you about abseiling and my experience. I was really nervous until I got going. Afterwards I was really excited and wanted to do it again and again and again. When we'd finished, I was so proud if myself! :-)
Hello, I'm Jade! When I got to the top of the abseiling walk, I felt alright with the heights. However, when I put my heels over the edge, I was absolutely scared. In the end I did it three times and totally enjoyed it.
If you go to Manor Adventure and do abseiling, you will also feel this way.
Thank you for reading , bye!
Holly and Jade :-)
Day three, so far...
So this morning we woke to some drizzly reason but thankfully the day's been pretty dry on the whole! This morning we (Mr K and Mr M's groups) took on the obstacle courses - everyone made it through and did fantastically well!
Mr K :-)
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
More on day two!
Today's been a wonderful day with absolutely stunning weather. Hopefully some of the children will be able to blog later to let you know more! The day began with a walk through the frost down to the lake for kayaking and canoeing, with all four groups taking part together. Thankfully the sun soon began to warm us up, which is just as well as the lake claimed a couple of victims: Dylan being the first to take a plunge into the icy waters - he has defrosted now though!
After lunch, the groups split into different activities, such as abseiling, confidence course, zip wire and orienteering. The children have been brilliant (so far!) and it's been amazing to see confidence growing as they overcome challenges such as the height of the abseil wall!
We're now enjoying our evening activities before a well-earned sleeeeeeeeep!
Mr K :-)
Day two!
Day two has been fantastic so far! There's been lots of fun with kayaking, canoeing, abseiling and more... The internet signal is very poor so we're struggling to post on the blogs - we'll try again later!
Mr K :-)
Monday, 4 March 2013
We've arrived safe and sound!
We're already having a fantastic time here at Manor, with Mr Morris' group having done the zip wire, Mrs Prior's and Miss Goodall's have been abseiling and Mr K's have been shooting at the rifle range! Now we've just had a lovely dinner and are getting ready for our next activity! :-)
Pav & Darnell's mega movie!
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Video of the week!
If you'd like to make your own Dancing Pony video, visit this site: www.ponymixer.com
If you'd like to choose our next Video of the Week (or even create your own video!), just email your ideas to me! :-)
100wc - week 22...
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Click on the picture for a bigger version! |
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Darwin Day motivational posters!
Friday, 1 March 2013
We're off on a Manor adventure!
We'll hopefully be able to keep you updated with lots of information and photos right here on the blog (although the internet signal is not great!). For more information on Manor Adventure, please visit their website by clicking on either of the pictures in this post!
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The Manor house! |